Belgrade - Niš Tour

Central Serbia



The tour program is starting from Belgrade to Kladovo (east of Serbia) by bus and in one part by boat, showing important historical and cultural places and architectures along Danube river until the town Nis, where Constantine The Great was born besides 16 Roman emperors.


Day one Sightseeing tour of Belgrade


Arrival of travelers and sightseeing tour of Belgrade.

Day two Ottoman Cultural and Historical Heritage

BELGRADE :Tour of Ottoman Cultural and Historical Heritage in Belgrade.


Breakfast. Gathering in front of Shaikh Mustafa Türbe which was built in 1783 and was part of the khanqah (Muslim places of worship in which the dervishes gather, live and perform religious rites).

Tour continues with the tour's oldest still functioning building in the present Belgrade, Bajrakli mosque.

After mosque we continue a tour with a visit of the former Turkish bath at the Tzar Dušan Street.

After that we continue to Damad Ali Pasha Türbe at Kalemegdan Fortress.

In the fortress we will visit several facilities that are related to Multi Cultural, Islamic and Ottoman Cultural Heritage in Belgrade, a fountain spanning, Defterdar Gate, Powder Warehouse.

Tour ends at Kalemegdan Hamam.


Free time. Serbian Rakia tour in Belgrade pubs and dinner.

Free time. Optional - visit to Belgrade rafts and nightclubs (clubbing tour).

Day three Viminacium, Ram Fortress, Silver Lake, Golubac, Lepenski Vir, Kladovo



Departure to the archeological heritage tour of prehistory and antiquity.

Visit to impressive museum near Kostolac, at the ancient Roman site Viminacium. Today Viminacium is an archeological site in the open air and a good example for a capital of Roman province Upper Mesia.


You will enjoy a fantastic view of the Danube from the medieval fortress Ram. Ram Fortress was important strategical point in medieval ages, ruled by many nations. Turkish Sultan Bayezid II /1480 – 1512/ restored and strengthened the Ram Fortress which was capable to withstand the artillery attacks.


After Ram Fortress tour is continuing to the beautiful Silver Lake where we will have a lunch.


A medieval fortress Golubac with its picturesque views of the Danube, which is wide at this point more than 4 km. will inspire your curiosity for our rich historical legacies. Due to the fact that four different nations ruled over Golubac Fortress, Serbs, Turks, Austrians and Hungarians; many stories and legends are remaining here praising it magnificent place.


The journey continues through one of the longest and largest gorge in Europe, the Iron Gate. In Iron Gate we will visit Lepenski Vir, the site inhabited by the first settlers in this part of the world back in the Mesolithic period. Nowadays spot of the modern archeological museum. Lepenski Vir was the oldest organised settlement in Europe. Settlement was founded around 7000 BC and lasted till 4500 BC when people of Lepenski Vir moved into the world to search of bigger land.

Arrival to the town Kladovo. Dinner. Free time.

Day four Visit to Rajače cellars, Felix Romuliana, Niš



Panoramıc Tour of the hydroelectric power plant „Đerdap“.

Departure to Rajačke cellars (the best period for visit is during the wine harvest). A tour through the village famous for its authentic and rustic wine cellars and tasting of  Serbian wines and rakia.


Visit to Felix Romuliana, remains of Roman imperial palace, built by Roman Emperor Gaius Valerius Maximianus Galerius. Felix Romuliana (Happy Romula) is the name which Roman Emperor Galerius gave to the palace after his mother Romula. Turbulent history of the palace witnesses about periods of ultimate splendid, but also dreadful devastation, but one thing is sure, this palace is one the most beautiful palaces in Europe. This site is on UNESCOS’s World Heritage List. Lunch.


Departure for city of Niš, hometown of Constantine The Great, founder of Constantinople. Sightseeing tour. Visit to “Mediana” archeological site from the late Roman period where you can visit remains of the luxurious residence palace of Constantine The Great. Visit to “Skull tower” monument from Serbian-Turkish war. Dinner. Free time.

Day five The end of tour


Breakfast. Departure of passengers from Niš / Priština / Skopje ( one of 3 cities per tour operator choice )

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